6.3 Standards for GTCS CLPL and Professional Recognition

GTCS’s Professional Recognition recognises the enhanced, significant and sustained enquiry a teacher has undertaken and the development of their professional learning in a particular area. Professional Recognition provides the opportunity for a teacher to be recognised as an accomplished/expert practitioner in a particular area, whose practice is underpinned by ongoing reflective enquiry.

To gain professional recognition in a specific area of expertise you will be required to demonstrate:

  1. Enhanced, significant and sustained professional learning, aligned to the Standard for Career-Long Professional Learning or other appropriate standard, leading to the development of expertise and accomplishment in the specified area.
  2. Professional expertise/accomplishment within a specific curricular/ educational context.
  3. Professional learning and development related to the area of expertise/accomplishment.
  4. Professional reading and research related to area of expertise.
  5. Professional action evidenced within a portfolio.
  6. Critical reflection and analysis of Impact on professional practice, learners and learning.
  7. Evidence of how you have shared this expertise and what the impact of this has been on your colleagues and/or the wider school/educational community.
  8. Summary of professional discussion with line manager.

Activity 21

Reflective questions


  • Why were you developing this area of expertise and how did the literature, research and policy you engaged with critically inform your understanding and practice?
  • Why is this important and relevant to you and your educational context?
  • How has this helped you critically question and challenge educational assumptions, beliefs and values of self and system?
  • What challenges to your thinking and practice did you experience from engagement with the literature?

Now go to 7 What Next?

6.2 Curriculum flexibility and planning