Completing the course

Completing the course is straightforward! You have to:

  • read all of the pages of the course
  • score 70% or more in the end-of-course quiz
  • complete the evaluation at the end of the course

For each quiz question, you can have more than one attempt (except true or false type questions where you usually only get one attempt). If you’re not successful in getting 70% in the end-of-course quiz the first time, after 24 hours you can attempt it again and come back as many times as you like.

Passing the quiz entitles you to a digital badge and statement of participation.

Badges are a means of digitally recognising certain skills and achievements acquired through informal study. They are a useful means of demonstrating participation and recognising informal learning.

The statement of participation will allow you to evidence this piece of continuing professional development to others, eg, employers or professional bodies.

Next continue to Session 1 Reflecting on the meaning of affairs.