8. Helpful resources
1. Online Affairs Website:
As part of our research we have been involved in creating a web-based information source on internet infidelity for the website of the London-based couple counselling organisation Tavistock Relationships. This ‘Online Affairs Website’ includes a section for therapists working with those who have experienced, or are experiencing, online affairs: https://tavistockrelationships.org/ online-affairs-practitioners [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]
The following information is included in the practitioner section of the ‘Online Affair Website’:
- Online contexts that clients may use to engage in affairs
- Spyware, incognito browsing and the like
- Why is internet infidelity different?
- Assessment in the context of internet infidelity
- How to work therapeutically with internet infidelity
- Research references
The website also provides research-informed information and support for individuals, couples and those in relationships impacted by internet infidelity: http://tavistockrelationships.org/ online-affairs.
Practitioners can direct their clients to this source of information containing sections on the following topics:
- What is cheating online?
- Why is it easy to cheat online?
- Messaging my ex – can it be cheating?
- Friends on Facebook – can it be cheating?
- Virtual sex – can it be cheating?
- Looking at porn – can it be cheating?
- It is only online – how can it be cheating?
- What is spyware and is it OK to use it?
- My partner’s always on Facebook – are they cheating?
- I can’t believe my partner cheated online
- Addicted to porn
- Is the internet a problem in your relationship?
- How do I stop cheating online?
- How can we talk about what’s OK online?
- Counselling for online cheating
2. Other websites with information about online affairs
The following links provide further information about online affairs. This information is from sites that we believe are credible:
- OneplusOne
Content from professional bodies for marriage therapists and psychologists