4.7 Summary

In this unit you have explored the benefits of slowing down and looked at some ideas to help you feel motivated to take time to savour the little moments in life to feel more present.

In the next unit, you continue with this focus on being more present by exploring the subject of kindness.

Further resources


Bryant, F. B., & Veroff, J. (2007) Savoring: A New Model of Positive Experience, Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Encyclopedia of An Ordinary Life: A Memoir – Amy Krouse Rosenthal.

Savour: Mindful Eating, Mindful Life – Thich Nhat Hanh and Lilian Cheung.

Now go to Unit 5: Kindness, where you explore the fourth of our six principles.


Bryant, F. (2003) 'Savoring Beliefs Inventory (SBI): A scale for measuring beliefs about savouring', Journal of Mental Health, 12(2), pp.175-196.

Bryant, F. B. & Veroff, J. (2007) Savoring: A new model of positive experience, Mahwah, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Bryant, F.B. (2021) ‘Current Progress and Future Directions for Theory and Research on Savoring’, Frontiers in psychology, 12, pp. 771698–771698. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.771698.

Camgoz, S.M. (2014) 'The role of savoring in work-family conflict', Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 42(2), pp.177-188.

Chen, J. & Zhou, L. (2017) 'Savoring as a moderator between positive life events and hopelessness depressio', Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 45(8), pp.1337-1344.

Fredrick, J.W., Mancini, K.J., & Luebbe, A.M. (2019) 'Maternal enhancing responses to adolescents’ positive affect: Associations with adolescents’ positive affect regulation and depression', Soc. Dev, 28, 290–305. doi: 10.1111/sode.12326.

Moran, K.M., Root, A.E., Vizy, B.K., Wilson, T.K., & Gentzler, A.L. (2019) 'Maternal socialization of children’s positive affect regulation: Associations with children’s savoring, dampening, and depressive symptoms', Soc. Dev, 28, 306–322. doi: 10.1111/sode.12338.

Smith, J.L. & Bryant, F.B. (2017) Savoring and well-being: Mapping the cognitive-emotional terrain of the happy mind. In The happy mind: Cognitive contributions to well-being , pp. 139-156, Springer, Cham.

Smith, J.L. & Hollinger-Smith, L. (2015) 'Savoring, resilience, and psychological well-being in older adults', Aging and Mental Health, 19(3), pp.192-200.

Tugade, M.M. & Fredrickson, B.L. (2007) ‘Regulation of Positive Emotions: Emotion Regulation Strategies that Promote Resilience’, Journal of Happiness Studies, 8(3), pp. 311–333. doi:10.1007/s10902-006-9015-4.

Zautra, A.J., Affleck, G.G., Tennen, H., Reich, J.W. & Davis, M.C. (2005) 'Dynamic approaches to emotions and stress in everyday life: Bolger and Zuckerman reloaded with positive as well as negative affects', Journal of Personality, 73(6), pp.1511-1538.

4.6 Create a self-care box