1.3 Language development and identification of dyslexia


Module 2 and the routemap highlighted the importance of language development. There may be a number of reasons why a learner’s language is not at the expected level for their age.

Activity 7

In your Reflective Log consider some possibilities why this may be the case.

Click ‘reveal’ to see some examples of what we thought.


  • Speech and Language difficulties
  • Speech and Language delay
  • EAL
  • ASD
  • Attention deficit disorder
  • Poor/low level spoken vocabulary in the home
  • Lack of reciprocal interaction at young developmental age
  • Neglect
  • Lack of attunement
  • Negative inter-generational patterns
  • Hearing difficulties
  • Parents with poor literacy skills
  • Lack of literacy rich experiences in early years

To identify strengths and areas of difficulty of a learner’s language skills it is vital to understand what the term ‘language development’ means. Modules 1 and 2 highlighted areas of literacy development and as figure 7 highlights this contributes to the wider language development.

Described image
Figure 7 Language development

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1.4 Numeracy development and the identification of dyslexia