1.6 Suggested Reading and films

Further information is available in Dyslexia Scotland leaflets: https://www.dyslexiascotland.org.uk/ our-leaflets [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] . Many of these leaflets also have suggestions for further reading.

For example:

  • Dyslexia and self esteem
  • Identification of dyslexia in schools - information for parents
  • Explaining dyslexia to children
  • Youth information - what is dyslexia?

Access a range of short films on Dyslexia Scotland’s YouTube site - https://www.youtube.com/ channel/ UC1aSDfa8h-3IooqEvownR7A

Download the Dyslexia Scotland Reading lists or click on the link below

https://dyslexiascotland.org.uk/ sites/ default/ files/ library/ Reading%20lists%20Dec%2016.pdf

What equality law means for you as an education provider – Schools https://education.gov.scot/ improvement/ Pages/ inc16schools.aspx

‘Dyslexia is My Superpower (Most of the Time)’ Margaret Rooke ISBN 978-1-78592-299-2

Download ‘A Framework for Assessment

GLOW Mathematics Hub - free online learning – Please note you will need your GLOW login.

https://glowscotland.sharepoint.com/ sites/ PLC/ numeracyhub/ SitePages/ Modules%20%26%20Sessions.aspx

Free sample video tutorials to help with dyscalculia and mathematical learning difficulties https://www.mathsexplained.co.uk/ ?ref=bda (Please note additional charges to access the full range)

Now that you have finished section 1 you can try Quiz 1. This activity counts towards your final pass mark which needs to be at least 80%

Quiz 1

Now go to 2 Curriculum and assessment

Positive Aspects of Dyslexia