Self-Assessment Questions (SAQs) for Study Session 3
Now that you have completed this study session, you can assess how well you have achieved its Learning Outcomes by answering these questions. Write your answers in your Study Diary and discuss them with your Tutor at the next Study Support Meeting. You can check your answers with the Notes on the Self-Assessment Questions at the end of this Module.
SAQ 3.1 (tests Learning Outcomes 3.1 and 3.2)
Which of the following statements is false? In each case, explain what is incorrect.
The family planning counselling process may be described as a:
A Two-way communication process actively involving both people.
B One-way communication process in which you ask the questions.
C One-time process in which a person in your village learns everything about the family planning method.
D Process that enables a person to be informed about different methods, ask questions, make an informed choice about a method, and leave the clinic feeling confident about how to use the method correctly.
E Ongoing communication process that takes place at every health and family planning service encounter.
B is false because family planning counselling is a discussion between two people, and not a question and answer session between the counsellor and the client.
C is also false because counselling is a continuous process in which a client learns about family planning step by step.
A, D and E are true because counselling is an ongoing, two-way communication process that takes place in every health and family planning service encounter. This enables a person to be informed about different methods, ask questions, make an informed choice about method, and leave the clinic feeling confident about how to use a contraceptive method correctly.
SAQ 3.2 (tests Learning Outcome 3.2)
Why is counselling an important part of family planning?
The importance of counselling in family planning is to help the client to make, and arrive at, informed and well-considered voluntary choices about their fertility, or help a client to decide on the number of children they want and when to have them.
SAQ 3.3 (tests Learning Outcome 3.3)
What are the most important principles when counselling members of your community?
The most important principles in counselling are:
- Being in a private room and quiet place.
- Taking sufficient time.
- Maintaining confidentiality.
- Conducting counselling in a tolerant/non-judgmental, accepting and conducive/helpful way.
- Using direct and simple words.
- Using good interpersonal communication skills.
- Telling the most important messages first.
- Using available visual aids.
SAQ 3.4 (tests Learning Outcome 3.4)
Wozero Misgane, a married woman who has one child, wants to space her second pregnancy, and comes to you for the first time to have family planning. You want to counsel her effectively, using the appropriate steps of counselling for family planning.
How would you counsel Wozero Misgane using the GATHER approach?
Wozero Misgane is a new client, so you need to counsel her on family planning using the acronym GATHER to remember all the six steps:
G Greet Wozero Misgane in a friendly, helpful and respectful manner.
A Ask Wozero Misgane about her family planning needs, concerns and previous use.
T Tell Wozero Misgane about different contraceptive options.
H Help Wozero Misgane to make a decision about which method she prefers.
E Explain to Wozero Misgane how to use the method chosen; ask her to repeat the instructions.
R Arrange a return visit and follow-up with Wozero Misgane.
SAQ 3.5 (tests Learning Outcome 3.5)
What are the factors that can affect family planning counselling outcomes?
The factors that can affect family planning counselling outcomes are:
- Provider factors, such as your ability to engage in effective communication, your technical knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours.
- Client factors, such as a client’s level of knowledge and understanding.
- External and programmatic factors which you cannot control, such as lack of availability of certain methods or equipment, or irregular supplies of family planning materials.
Summary of Study Session 3