Introduction to Count me in! Inclusive WASH in Ethiopia

In recent years, considerable progress has been made towards achieving the global goal of universal access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). In Ethiopia, although access ‘for all’ is an identified target, there are significant sections of society that have been left behind by developments toward this goal. But these excluded groups have the same rights as everyone else and deserve the same benefits of access to safe water, effective sanitation and hygiene facilities. Everyone should be included and no-one excluded from access to WASH.

One key principle of inclusion is that, although we are all different, we are all part of the same society. This is why we chose ‘Count me in’ as the Module title – ‘me’ could be you, your relative, friend, neighbour, or anyone. We all benefit from inclusive WASH.

This Module aims to raise awareness of the reasons why people are excluded and how this impacts their lives. It offers guidance on what changes and provisions are needed to promote and secure all people’s rights to water and sanitation. The Module consists of five study sessions. The first provides an introduction to inclusive WASH in Ethiopia. The second and third focus on people with disabilities and gender equality respectively. The next study session describes some practical aspects of accessibility. The Module concludes with a session about participation and collaboration in the development of sustainable inclusive WASH services.

Learning Outcomes for this Module