Summary of Study Session 1

In Study Session 1, you have learned that:

  1. All people regardless of their personal attributes and circumstances should be able to access water, sanitation and hygiene services.
  2. Inclusion means providing WASH facilities that are accessible to all and involving excluded people in planning and decision processes.
  3. Many different groups of people may be excluded from WASH and some people will belong to more than one group. Persons with disabilities face particular challenges with accessibility.
  4. Individual attributes, location, social and cultural beliefs, and limited financial and human resources are the major reasons for exclusion. These reasons overlap and some people are excluded for several different reasons.
  5. Inclusive WASH brings social and economic benefits to individuals and communities by improving health, well-being and productivity for the whole community.
  6. There are global and national frameworks that could be used as guidance to promote inclusive WASH facilities.
  7. The Ethiopian Constitution and other national policies require the equal participation of men and women in social and economic developments.
  8. The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and their regional, zonal and woreda offices have the lead role for matters relating to the rights of people with disabilities.

1.6.2 Policies and programmes

Self-Assessment Questions (SAQs) for Study Session 1