Summary of Study Session 4
In Study Session 4, you have learned that:
- WASH facilities are inclusive when they are safe to use and accessible to all.
- The main features of accessible WASH facilities are a wide and level path, an entrance with a ramp and enough space for wheelchair users.
- Specific requirements for inclusive water and handwashing facilities include taps positioned at different heights; for toilets they include cubicles with wide doors that open outwards, have sufficient space inside and are fitted with handrails and a seat.
- Healthcare institutions should have facilities suitable for older people and others who may be weak and infirm, for pregnant women and people of all ages with all types of impairment.
- Schools need separate sanitation facilities for boys and girls that are suitable for children of different ages and abilities. They should also include appropriate facilities for menstrual hygiene management by adolescent girls.
- An accessibility and safety audit is a participatory tool used to identify problems associated with WASH facilities and to generate ideas for solving the problems.
- There are five steps in conducting an accessibility and safety audit: preparation, assess the path, assess the facility, analyse problems and make changes or develop solutions.
- Implementation of inclusive WASH should involve all users of the facility. Inclusive design features should be incorporated from the start of the process.
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4.5 Steps in implementation for inclusive WASH