Self-Assessment Questions (SAQs) for Study Session 5

Now that you have completed this study session, you can assess how well you have achieved its Learning Outcomes by answering these questions.

SAQ 5.1 (tests Learning Outcome 5.1)

1. A ………………… entails walking through a village to collect information about the community.

2. ………………….. is an approach used in Ethiopia to prevent open defecation.

3. …………….. means taking part or being involved in something, usually a decision or activity.

4. ……………. status is achieved when everyone has access to a latrine and no one defecates in fields or other open spaces.


1. A transect walk entails walking through a village to collect information about the community.

2. CLTSH is an approach used in Ethiopia to prevent open defecation.

3. Participation means taking part or being involved in something, usually a decision or activity.

4. ODF status is achieved when everyone has access to a latrine and no one defecates in fields or other open spaces.

SAQ 5.2 (tests Learning Outcomes 5.1 and 5.2)

Why do we need to talk about meaningful community participation? What is wrong with existing practices and why are they not inclusive?


Existing community participation practices usually aim to introduce plans or projects and mobilise the community to contribute to the WASH project implementation. The community is often just expected to listen to what is told to them and/or provide their labour. This cannot be described as meaningful participation and is not inclusive because it does not involve representatives of all sections of the community nor does it involve the community in the planning and decision-making parts of the process. It is also possible that meetings may not be accessible to all and for those who are present, some may not be listened to, nor allowed to speak.

SAQ 5.3 (tests Learning Outcome 5.3)

There is a rural community that believes persons with disabilities live with evil spirits which can be passed on to other people. As a result, persons with disabilities are placed in a secure place out of the sight of other people. Imagine that an NGO is planning a new water project and would like to involve the community in the whole process.

What would you advise the NGO to do to change attitudes and make community participation more inclusive?


You could advise the NGO to make sure that all community members are fairly represented in the whole process of the project, from start to finish. The NGO could seek out individual people with disabilities, or families with someone who is disabled, or self-help groups or DPOs and work with them to try to convince people in the community that their beliefs about the causes of disability are wrong.

SAQ 5.4 (tests Learning Outcome 5.4)

Which of the following statements are false? In each case, explain why it is incorrect.

  • A.Surveyors and planners have all the necessary skills to identify sustainable water sources.
  • B.WASHCOs need training, information and support to help them understand their role and responsibilities for inclusive WASH.
  • C.All maintenance of inclusive WASH facilities should be organised by the woreda WASH team.
  • D.If the whole community understands why inclusion is important and is actively involved in the development of new WASH facilities, it is more likely to be inclusive and sustainable.


A is false. Specialists such as surveyors and planners should have relevant skills but they may not have the local knowledge that can be very valuable for identifying sustainable water sources.

C is false. The woreda WASH team have an important role to play in maintenance of WASH facilities but they are not solely responsible. Major maintenance tasks may need to be arranged by the regional bureau. Routine preventive maintenance can be undertaken by the WASHCO.

Summary of Study Session 5