4.2 The values-based toolkit

The final activity in this session introduces you to the values-based toolkit and how it relates to the course and other resources.

Activity 4.3: Introducing the values-based toolkit

Timing: This activity should take approximately 35 minutes
Described image

The values-based toolkit is made up of three components. The first, overarching and comprehensive part is the OpenLearn Create course you are currently 4/5ths of the way through. Besides this, the toolkit consists of two additional resources.

Based on previous research, workshops and interviews with more than 50 low carbon advisors, the communication specialists Climate Outreach have produced a guide for communicating with SMEs using appropriate values-based language and images.

  1. Read the Effective communication guide [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]   and make your own notes. The guide can be viewed on screen or downloaded for viewing offline.

The final component of the toolkit is a practical ‘Step-by-step engagement guide’ for bringing values into engagements with SMEs – from preparing for a visit, to face-to-face meetings and following up afterwards to maximise long-term impact.

  1. Read the interactive Step-by-step engagement guide and make your own notes. An interactive version of the guide can be viewed on screen; it can also be downloaded for viewing offline.

We will be returning to the toolkit in Session 5, when you will have an opportunity to put it into practice by responding to a ‘real world’ scenario.

Thinking point

Which topic(s) covered in the Effective communication guide or the Step-by-step engagement guide did you see as particularly relevant to your work? Did you find any of the ideas particularly surprising, controversial or unlikely to work based on your own experience?

4.1 Combining values and language

Summary and action points