2. Ensuring spiritual well-being
What we like and dislike can affect how we learn. Activities that we like and interest us provide motivation, whereas activities we dislike can prevent learning.
Pupils’ feelings and personalities have a big effect on how they respond to different activities. Some children are very shy and will not speak in front of others, whereas some love performing. Some pupils like working alone, others are better in a group. Some like to learn by reading, others by talking.
You need to find out what types of activities your pupils like and dislike to help you plan your lessons better. This will fulfil their spiritual well-being, which in turn will help them to learn better.
Case Study 2: Planning to promote spiritual well
Having discussed feeling safe with his pupils, Mr Adamptey wrote down some different approaches to incorporate into his lessons:
- Most children enjoyed playing with each other. Therefore, group games should appear in lessons regularly.
- Some children liked quiet periods. Therefore, he decided to make time for solitary activities such as reading, writing and drawing.
- All children liked singing and music. Therefore, he decided he could use songs to motivate them and make them happy.
- No child liked to feel scared. Therefore, he should be careful about being angry with them in class. He must also watch out for over-assertive or possibly bullying behaviour from the stronger personalities in the class.
Mr Adamptey thought about the individual pupils in his class and watched them carefully as they worked. He noticed how each reacted to different activities.
He used this information to plan lessons that included both solitary and sharing activities. He organised groups so that:
- nobody was isolated;
- there was no conflict of personalities;
- everybody was able to contribute;
- everybody enjoyed working with each other.
Activity 2: Identifying your pupils’ personalities
Think about the different personalities of pupils in your class and how they respond to the way you teach. Ask yourself:
- Which pupils always answer questions?
- Which pupils don’t speak in class?
- How would you describe their personalities?
- Which pupils work well in a group?
- Who works well on their own?
- Which pupils behave badly when in a group?
- Who has difficulties working on their own?
- Now think about the activities you use:
- Which are the most popular activities?
- Which are the least popular activities?
- Which activities help the children learn best?
Match the pupils to the types of activities that best suit them.
How could you organise the different activities so each pupil would benefit?
Plan a lesson using these ideas. Carry out this lesson and then think:
- Were your ideas correct?
- How did the pupils respond to the lesson?
- What would you change next time?
1. Helping pupils feel safe