Resource 4: Designing advertisements

Teacher resource for planning or adapting to use with pupils

Assessment of pupils’ responses to questions on an advertisement

Use these questions to respond to each pupil’s work:

  1. Is there evidence that the pupil understood the task? For example, the pupil has/has not chosen an advertisement; the pupil has/has not attempted to answer the questions.
  2. Which question(s) has the pupil answered most successfully? What is the evidence that the answer(s) is/are successful?
  3. Which question(s) has the pupil answered inadequately or incorrectly? What is missing from the answer(s) or what is incorrect in the answer(s)?

The follow-up lessons

  • Return pupils’ homework and make some general comments on what they did well and where they could improve.
  • Ask pupils to work in the same groups as in the lesson on answering questions about advertisements.
  • Give each group a large sheet of paper and, if possible, some coloured crayons or paint and brushes.
  • Ask them to imagine a new product (e.g. a kind of food, vehicle, household appliance, item of clothing) and to plan how they could draw and write an advertisement for it. They should think about the questions they answered in the previous activity.
  • Tell them to design and make an advertisement for this new product.

This activity may take more than one lesson. When the groups have completed their advertisements, display them and have a discussion about what the pupils think is well done and what could be improved in each one. (When you assess these group advertisements, look for evidence of creativity/imagination, ability to combine words and images in interesting ways and ability to persuade a reader to buy the product.)

Resource 3: Critical reading of advertisements
