
The development of this module was informed and supported by:

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Activity 1: Reflective Task

You will need to download the Reflective Log.

Select here to download this file.

In your Reflective Log, Activity 1 you should start by:

  1. Using a scale of 1 – 5 (1 being poor and 5 being very knowledgeable), rate your knowledge and understanding of dyslexia and inclusive practice.
  2. Consider and record what you hope to achieve in studying this module.
  3. Complete the template for the self-evaluation wheel.

How you use the Reflective Log is up to you. You can save it and work with it online or print it off and keep it up to date in hard copy.

Throughout the module you will be prompted to record your responses to activities and your reflection. The Reflective Log provides a record of your learning that you can use for professional update.

1. Scottish Education