4.6. Learner profile

Within Curriculum for Excellence, personal learning planning is at the heart of supporting learning. The conversations about learning, reviewing progress and planning next steps are central to this process. Planned opportunities for achievement, which focus on the learning and progress made through activities across the full range of contexts and settings in which the curriculum is experienced, also contribute to the universal aspect of support. It is the responsibility of all practitioners and partners to deliver this universal entitlement within their own teaching environments.

The Learner profile is a working document which can be continually updated, reviewed and should inform practice within the classroom information on the learners’:

  • Strengths
  • Areas of difficulty
  • Support in place – linked to the Staged level of intervention (which may include SQA AA)
  • Appropriate strategies for school and home

Section 2.3 highlights the information from the holistic identification process, which should be included with a learner profile. This may not be the term your authority uses, as local authorities use various terms for files that collate information on the learner.

4.5. Identification of dyslexia and literacy difficulties

4.7. Standardised and independent assessments