6. Summary and next steps

Next steps

Activity 36

For the final entry in your Reflective Log for this module, consider the following question and task.

  1. How will the completion of this module impact on your professional practice?
  2. Look back at your responses to the reflective questions at the start of this module and evidence your professional learning and reflections below now that you have completed module 2. This can also be used in discussion with your line manager and annual reviews.

If you plan to apply for GTC Scotland Professional Recognition after the completion of Module 3, this task will contribute towards the evidence you provide in the application process. A table is available in your Reflective Log to note your reflections.

You can now take the End of module quiz [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .

5. Sustaining and developing professional learning

Reviewing your work