Professional Recognition in dyslexia and inclusive Practice

Following the completion of modules 1, 2 and 3 you may choose to submit an individual application to the GTCS for Professional Recognition [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] . Professional Recognition provides the opportunity for teachers who are fully registered with the GTCS and have completed one year of professional practice to focus on and develop their professional learning in particular areas of expertise and gain recognition for enhancing their knowledge, understanding and practice.

Applications require practitioners to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and practice in the area they have identified.

The reflections and experiences which you have gained through the participation of the three modules will be evidenced in your Reflective Logs and have been designed to contribute to the evidence required for an application. The 5 key criteria are:

  1. Provide a critically informed theoretical rationale for the area of work chosen, including reference to relevant research, literature, policy and practice
  2. Critically examine, analyse and evaluate what impact the area of development and expertise has had on your thinking, learning and practice. Also consider the impact on learners and their learning, including extracts of analysed evidence to support this.
  3. Describe how you have shared your knowledge and experience with others and what impact this has had on colleagues and the wider community.
  4. Describe the next steps for the development of this area of expertise/accomplishment and your future professional learning
  5. In the light of this work, outline how the professional discussions with your line manager have shaped your thinking and practice (critical reflection on your learning and development).

Action research task

Action research task and Professional Recognition