2.5. Wellbeing development and the identification of dyslexia

Modules 1 and 2 highlighted the negative link between dyslexia, low self-esteem and anxiety.

It is common for everyone at some point to experience low feelings, anxiety and stress. However, when this is ongoing and has an impact on someone’s ability to do things then it can become a bigger problem. Some people whose dyslexia has not been recognised may have feelings that cause them emotional and physical distress. The impact on being able to work with and assess children and young people during the Covid pandemic will contribute towards a rise of anxiety and stress for all involved. A wide range of information, support and guidance has been produced to support learners and staff wellbeing during this time.

Activity 9

Match the correct reactions that people may experience

Using the following two lists, match each numbered item with the correct letter.

  1. Confusion

  2. Anger

  3. Negativity

  4. Anxiety

  5. Hopelessness

  6. Depression

  • a.‘Why should I bother?’ thoughts, possibly leading to giving up.

  • b.Anger turns itself inwards. People may feel alone because they are not understood. Some people may isolate themselves because of their low self-esteem and feelings of not being ‘good enough’. Switching off and giving up leads to further negative thinking.

  • c.They feel their efforts make no difference and it is only luck if they succeed. Self-esteem is low and they always predict the worst. They feel that others judge them negatively and compare themselves less favourably with peers and siblings.

  • d.Their experience of failure leads them to think they will fail again.

  • e.From frustration that they, and others, do not understand dyslexia.

  • f.They don’t fully understand dyslexia and why they experience difficulties and have a mixture of abilities. They believe that they are ‘stupid’.

The correct answers are:
  • 1 = f
  • 2 = e
  • 3 = c
  • 4 = d
  • 5 = a
  • 6 = b

2.4. Numeracy development and the identification of dyslexia

2.6. Suggested reading and films