Identification and timescales

Scottish legislation provides an entitlement for families and learners over 12 years of age to request an assessment of dyslexia. This process should start within 10 weeks of a written request. However, the specific timescale it should take to carry out a holistic/collaborative identification of dyslexia is not set in legislation or policy. Neither do the family or learners have an entitlement for specific types or names of dyslexia assessments or tests to be used.

The Addressing Dyslexia Toolkit highlights the difficulties which can arise if the assessment/identification process is a long one. It places a very high emphasis effective communication during this time to support and maintain positive relationships with all involved. The holistic and collaborative process of identification which is recommended within the 3 -18 curriculum is undoubtedly a longer experience and process compared to an independent assessment. It should be appreciated that the differences between the holistic and independent approaches to assessment - and the timescales can cause families a great deal of confusion and frustration. It is therefore important to ensure that the process and methods used by the school to gather information for an identification of dyslexia are done in a timely and efficient way.

4.4. Identification pathway and Curriculum for Excellence

4.5. The process of identification