2.4 Strength spotting at the movies

Another great way to spot strengths in others in to do this whilst watching a movie. This is also something you can do as a family.

Ryan Niemiec, another well-known name in the field of positive psychology, produced some research looking at the benefits of watching ‘positive psychology’ movies as a form of therapy (Niemiec, 2013).

By observing character strengths in action, individuals experience a range of feelings and connections that can lead them to positive behaviour.

Positive psychology movies

The table below lists some the films that were chosen in the latest research by Niemiec (2020).

  1. Select a film below or choose a film that has inspired you.
  2. Watch the film and take note of what emotions you are feeling and what character strengths you can see in the characters.
  3. Do you feel moved to bring some of these strengths into your own life?
  4. Consider how you could use these strengths in your own life.
Film (year)Character strength exemplar
Rear Window (1954)Curiosity
Amelie (2001)Kindness
Frozen (2013) and Frozen 2 (2019)Bravery
It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)Perspective
Trolls (2016)Zest
The Blind Side (2009)Love
Juno (2007)Social intelligence
12 Angry Men (1957)Fairness
Invictus (2009)Leadership
Julie and Julia (2009)Prudence
Forrest Gump (1994)Self-regulation
Wings of Desire (1987)Appreciation of beauty/excellence
Groundhog Day (1993)Gratitude
Zorba the Greek (1964)Humour
Run Lola Run (1998)Spirituality
The Imitation Game (2014)Judgment/critical thinking

2.3 Spotting strengths in those around you