9.3.3 A catalogue of foodborne diseases
Tables 9.1 and 9.2 in Appendix 9.1 (at the end of this study session) summarise the types of organism which cause food infections and food poisoning (respectively). The tables also show the types of food items that are the main risk factors for the associated foodborne diseases. You are not expected to memorise the details of these tables; use them as references that you can consult for information when you need it.
Look at Table 9.1. What do anthrax and tapeworm infection have in common?
Raw meat consumption from sick and dying animals (like ox, cow, sheep, goat, camel) is responsible for transmitting anthrax, and raw beef and pork are the source of tapeworm infection.
Which foodborne infections in Table 9.1 are commonly associated with consumption of contaminated milk and dairy products?
Brucellosis, typhoid fever, non-typhoid salmonellosis, bovine tuberculosis, E.coli infection and listeriosis.
9.3.2 Food infection