Summary of Study Session 13
In Study Session 13, you have learned that:
- Water is essential to sustain life and a satisfactory (adequate, safe and accessible) water supply must be available to all human beings.
- Waterborne, water-washed, water-based and water-related diseases are the four main types of disease associated with water.
- Water is in continuous motion by the processes of the hydrological cycle.
- Improved access to clean water can reduce diarrhoea and waterborne diseases. The provision of safe water and sanitation is a key mechanism required to break the cycle of poverty, particularly for women and girls.
- Sufficient, physically accessible, affordable and safe water are the main criteria for measuring whether your locality has satisfactory water provision or not.
- Your local community’s access to water can be assessed as no access to water, basic access, intermediate access or optimal access.
- The poor, women and children, and people who are sick or elderly are more vulnerable to lack of safe, adequate and accessible water.
- Rapid population growth, poverty, climate change and globalisation are likely to have negative impacts on the provision of safe, adequate and accessible water.
- Capacity and finance are the major barriers that inhibit the enhancement of provision of safe, adequate, affordable and accessible water supply.
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13.7.4 Insufficient financing