23.4.5  Anatomical waste and placentas

The visual impact of anatomical wastes (especially for observable body parts) is very sensitive and may alarm the general public. The wastes are also a health hazard. Therefore, it is mandatory to properly contain anatomical wastes based on the local custom or cultures of your society. Special care and sensitivity is needed when considering the appropriate disposal of fetuses from stillbirths. You should make sure, while considering the local contexts, that the method you choose should not contaminate the environment.

Anatomical waste and placentas need a special placenta pit. The placenta pit should also be used for blood, vomit and other bodily secretions. This burial pit should be sited inside the Health Post compound and dug down to at least 1 m deep. The pit should be fenced and locked. The waste should be collected in a plastic or galvanised metal container with a tight-fitting cover and immediately transported to the pit using dedicated trolleys or carts. The waste should be covered with a layer of soil immediately after disposal into the pit.

Due to cultural conditions, and the low temperature incinerators present in Health Posts, you should avoid using incinerators for anatomical waste. You should wear heavy-duty gloves while handling and transporting the waste. Wash and dry the gloves after use.

23.4.4  Final disposal: burial pits

23.5  Prevention and control of risks to healthcare workers