Self-Assessment Questions (SAQs) for Study Session 5

Now that you have completed this study session, you can assess how well you have achieved its Learning Outcomes by answering these questions. Write your answers in your Study Diary and discuss them with your Tutor at the next Study Support Meeting. You can check your answers with the Notes on the Self-Assessment Questions at the end of this Module.

SAQ 5.1 (tests Learning Outcomes 5.1 and 5.2)

Which structures of the eye are serving the purpose of defending the eye, and which ones are for transmission of light into the eye?


The eyelids and eyelashes protect the eye from foreign materials getting into it. The sclera, cornea, pupil, iris and the lens serve the purpose of light transmission onto the retina at the back of the eye.

Read Case Study 5.2 and respond to the questions that follow.

Case Study 5.2  Mr Worku can’t see well

Mr Worku, a 75-year-old man from your village, complains of having blurred vision and difficulty seeing in the bright sunlight whenever he goes to the market. He very frequently holds his hands above his eyes to shade them from the sun, and he finds it difficult to see who is approaching him when he meets people in the village.

SAQ 5.2 (tests Learning Outcomes 5.3, 5.4 and 5.6)

  • a.What is the most likely cause of the visual problems this man is having? What signs in the case study suggested your diagnosis?
  • b.What advice will you give to Mr Worku about how his condition can be delayed from getting worse? What do you tell him about possible treatment in the future?


  • a.Mr Worku is an elderly man who is having problems seeing in bright sunlight; his vision is blurred and he has increasing difficulty in seeing the world around him clearly. These are typical early symptoms of cataract
  • b.You should advise him to do everything he can to delay the cataracts from getting worse, such as wearing dark eye glasses to protect his eyes from sunlight, avoiding exposure to smoke, eating a balanced diet, and effective blood-sugar control if the man has got diabetes. Explain to him that if his cataracts progress to the stage where his sight has almost gone, he can get surgical treatment to remove the cloudy lenses and restore his sight – at least to some extent. Tell him that the operation is quick, simple and painless.

SAQ 5.3 (tests Learning Outcome 5.5)

Why do you think that children and young adults are more likely than older people to suffer an injury to one eye that results in long-term damage?


Injuries to one eye usually result from chemical splashes, accidental scratches, penetration by sharp objects, or non-penetrating blows. This type of injury is most likely to happen during jobs such as welding or stone work, or during fights or play with sharp objects such as sticks or stones. These types of activities are more likely to involve children and young adults than older people.

Read Case Study 5.3 and respond to the questions that follow.

Case Study 5.3  A child has a bad-smelling ear discharge

A three-year-old child was brought to you with earache, pulling her external ear now and then, and you can see a whitish-yellow ear discharge. The parents also report that the child is not hearing well when they speak to her in a normal voice. They say they have to speak very loud so that the child hears what they say.

SAQ 5.4 (tests Learning Outcome 5.7)

  • a.What possible problem would you look for in this child?
  • b.How would you treat her condition?


  • a.The symptoms described by this child’s parents should make you suspect the child has a foreign body in her ear. At three years old she is too young to be able to tell you if she has put something into her ear.
  • b.Shine a torch into her ear to look for the possibility of a foreign body in there. If you can see the object, try very carefully to remove it with a thin blunt tool. Then refer the child to a health facility. The whitish-yellowish discharge from her ear tells you that it is infected and she needs medical treatment with antibiotics.

Summary of Study Session 5