18.2.2  Reducing exposure to violence

Violence doesn’t just lead to mental health problems in children. Violence can lead to mental illness in adults too.

  • In Study Session 16 you read about things you can do to help a person who is a victim of violence (Section 16.4). Can you now think of some ways that you could help to prevent violence among adults in your community?

  • You can

    • Educate the community about the negative effects of violence, especially intimate partner violence, on a woman’s mental and physical health.
    • Screen pregnant women for violence and the associated mental health problems as part of their antenatal care. Pregnant women are at high risk of being victims of violence.
    • Make links with any organisations in your area that work to promote women’s rights or offer support to women who are victims of violence.
    • Talk with community elders. As they often play an important role in sorting out marital disputes, you can find out how they handle this situation and encourage them to be tough on violence.
    • Make links with local policemen and encourage them to take complaints of violence against women seriously.

18.2.1  Promoting a happy, healthy childhood

18.2.3  Reducing alcohol and khat use