19.2.4  Multiple impairments

Some people have to cope with several impairments, either permanently or for periods of time (e.g. during an illness). Examples of permanent multiple impairments include people who are both deaf and blind, and people with both a physical and intellectual impairment.

Take a little time now to think about the ways in which people with either intellectual or multiple impairments might be further disadvantaged by the social environment in which they live. In wealthy countries (such as the USA and in Europe), or in big cities, the impact of these impairments may be lessened by the use of (expensive) technology. However, access to such technology is often very limited in the villages and rural areas of developing countries. This highlights the fact that, while people may have the same experiences in terms of impairment, their experience of disability might be very different.

19.2.3  Intellectual impairments

19.3  Appropriate and acceptable language