19.6.1 Mainstream programmes and services

The first track focuses on mainstream programmes and services, which are not specifically designed for persons with disabilities, such as public health services, mainstream schools, community development programmes, transportation, etc. This track focuses on making these mainstream services more accessible for people with disabilities. The approach in mainstream schools, for instance, might involve the construction of ramps to make classrooms accessible to wheelchair users. Similarly, textbooks and other written materials might be transcribed into Braille copy for students with visual impairments.
What efforts might you make to promote and facilitate the inclusion of persons with disabilities in mainstream programmes and services? One of the things you can do, for example, is to make sure that the meetings you arrange in your community (e.g. your awareness-raising meetings, see Study Session 18) are equally accessible to everyone (Figure 19.3). This way you set a good example that can be followed by influential people in your community.
19.6 The twin- track approach