Badges and quizzes
By successfully studying this course and meeting the required completion criteria you can gain a digital badge. There are two badges available:
- The purple badge is for new migrants, refugees and asylum seekers and the learning outcomes refer to your reflections on your roles as well as what you have learned from the course.
- The crimson badge is appropriate if you work alongside or have a role in supporting learners. Here the learning outcomes refer to your knowledge and understanding of the experiences of new migrants, refugees and asylum seekers referred to in the course.
Some of you may wish to complete both sets of quizzes to gain both badges, particularly if you gained a badge as a learner and then moved on to supporting new arrivals to the UK and want to gain recognition of your understanding of others’ experiences reflecting on their transitions.
Figure 1 Course badges
What is a badge?
Badges are a means of digitally recognising certain skills and achievements acquired through informal study and are entirely optional. They do not carry any formal credit as they are not subject to the same rigour as formal assessment; nor are they proof that you have studied the full unit or course. They are a useful means of demonstrating participation and recognising informal learning.
If you’d like to read more about badges you will find more information on these websites:
- Open Badges [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] – this information is provided by Mozilla, a leading provider of the open badges system
- Digital Badges – this information is provided by HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory), a global community working to transform how we learn, particularly making use of technology
- Organisations across Scotland are working together to develop open badges – read about who is involved and how badges are developing on the RSC Scotland website.
How to gain a badge for studying Reflecting on Transitions
To achieve a badge for studying Reflecting on Transitions you need to be enrolled on this free course and meet the following badge criteria:
- agree to the appropriate badge trust statement, depending on whether you are a learner or front-line staff or a support worker
- read each session
- attempt quiz 1
- achieve 40% for quizzes 2–5.
Enrolling on the course
Please note that you need to be enrolled on this course.
To enrol you’ll need to create an Open University account.
- If you already have an account, just click on ‘Sign in to enrol’ and enter your user name and password. If you don’t have an account, create your new account here.
- Follow the instructions, and once you have finished registration by reaching the My Account page simply close the browser window or tab.
- Then refresh THIS page to update your status so you can enrol.
- The enrolment button is in the top right-hand corner.
You are now enrolled and ready to start the course and quizzes.
Badge trust statements
The OpenLearn Works non-accredited badging system relies on trust. We trust you to answer the questions in the unit drawing on your own skills and knowledge as we do not have formal exams or invigilation as part of the units and course. The badge trust statement asks you to agree that the answers you submit to course quizzes are your own work and that you will not share answers with other learners. The badge trust statements are within the introduction to Session 1.