Useful websites

If you are working with an advisor (such as a case worker or support worker), you may want to talk over some ideas with them. There is also lots of information and advice available online. Links to a wide range of organisations are provided below.

Hold down the ‘Ctrl’ key on your keyboard and then click the left mouse button to open each link.

Bridges ProgrammesHelp, advice and support for new migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, third country nationals and anyone living in Glasgow for whom English is a second language
BBC: SkillwiseHelp and advice with reading, writing and numbers
The Big PlusFree help with reading, writing and numbers for people living in Scotland
British Red Cross: refugee servicesBritish Red Cross advice and information service for refugees
CharityWiseFree Open University materials for the voluntary sector
Citizens Advice ScotlandFree advice on a wide range of issues – open to everyone in Scotland
Directgov: education and learningUK information and advice on education, learning and funding in the UK
Directgov/ National Careers Service: help for students with disabilitiesInformation and advice for students who have additional needs
Directgov/ National Careers Service: job profilesInformation and advice on work, skills and career choices in the UK
learndirectInformation and advice on learning and skills for work
learndirect: Cymru/ WalesInformation and advice on learning and skills for work in Wales
My World of WorkInformation and advice on work, skills and career choices
NARICInformation and advice on national and international qualifications
nidirectInformation and advice on learning, funding and skills for work in Northern Ireland
OU: Careers Advisory ServiceThe Open University’s Careers Advisory Service
OU: credit transferCredit transfer information from The Open University
OU: OpenLearnFree courses from The Open University
OU: Skills for OU studyDevelop the study skills you need for your OU course, and get the confidence you need to succeed
OU: Skills for OU study, English for learningSupport and guidance on English language skills
OU: Study at the OUThe Open University’s online prospectus
PlanIT PlusInformation on course choice, learning and careers in Scotland
Prospects: types of jobsGraduate careers information website
Skills Development ScotlandInformation and advice on learning, skills for work in Scotland and ILA funding
Students Awards Agency for ScotlandAdvice and information on funding for students in Scotland
UCASUK university course choice
UKCourseFinderUK-wide course information
