3.3.2  Post-abortion services

You should also keep in mind that you need to provide counselling on contraceptive options and provide young women who have just had an abortion with the method of their choice. Box 3.2 shows you the important things that you can do at health post level (see also Figure 3.3).

Box 3.2  Services you can provide for a young woman who has just had an abortion

  • Provide reproductive health education, including family planning for adolescents
  • Provide contraceptives
  • Explain to her how to recognise the signs and symptoms of pregnancy
  • Inform her of the legal provisions for safe abortion
  • Educate her on the risks of unsafe abortion
  • Explain to her how to recognise the signs and symptoms of abortion (e.g. vaginal bleeding).
A Health Extension Practitioner explaining about the risks of abortion and importance of family planning
Figure 3.3  A Health Extension Practitioner explaining about the risks of abortion and importance of family planning. (Source: WHO, Adolescent Job Aid, 2010)

3.3.1  Emergency treatment

3.3.3  Linkage to other reproductive health services