Self-Assessment Questions (SAQs) for Study Session 4

Now that you have completed this study session, you can assess how well you have achieved its Learning Outcomes by answering these questions. Write your answers in your Study Diary and discuss them with your Tutor at the next Study Support Meeting. You can check your answers with the Notes on the Self-Assessment Questions at the end of this Module.

First read Case Study 4.1 and then answer the questions that follow it.

Case Study 4.1  The marriage of Tessema and Meselech

Tessema (23 years) and Meselech (16 years) had been attracted to each other for some time. Meselech had to drop out from school when she was a 5th grade student as her parents felt she was not safe going to school alone; Tessema only completed 4th grade as his father decided that he had to take care of the farm and domestic animals. When they finally began to date, things moved very quickly and they decided to have sex. They were married 6 months later. Neither of them had any information about contraceptive use or STIs.

Almost a month later Tessema comes to see you because he has developed a small sore (blister) on his penis.

A year later Meselech comes to you complaining of having an unusual vaginal discharge and pain during urination. She thinks her problems may be related to the problem Tessema had because she has had similar symptoms many times in the preceding year. She says she has not seen any health worker but has been buying some (unidentified) antibiotics from the nearby drug shop but there has been little improvement. She is also concerned because she has not become pregnant even though she was expecting to conceive any time. She is particularly worried that her inability to conceive might damage her marriage. In addition, she is worried about the possibility of having HIV.

SAQ 4.1 (tests Learning Outcomes 4.1 and 4.2)

Tessema and Meselech may have an STI. Suggest factors that could have put them at risk.


Tessema and Meselech are young and uneducated. They did not know about dual protection or STIs. They may have contracted STIs from previous partners or Tessema might have visited a prostitute to prove his sexual powers.

SAQ 4.2 (tests Learning Outcome 4.4)

What should Tessema do and what help can you offer?


Tessema should go to a health facility that can offer treatment and counselling. Since you are not trained to provide this treatment you need to refer Tessema to seek care from the nearest health facility (health centre or hospital) where the service is available. You can advise Tessema not have intercourse before he gets treatment for his illness. You can also explain that he may have an STI and you can provide condoms and tell him about their proper use.

SAQ 4.3 (tests Learning Outcome 4.3)

Explain whether any of Meselech’s problems could be a consequence of having an STI.


Meselech seems to have one of the STIs characterised by vaginal discharge. She may also be infertile as a consequence of this and if she does not conceive she risks divorce which will affect her social status in the community.

SAQ 4.4 (tests Learning Outcome 4.4)

What advice would you now give to Meselech and Tessema to prevent such problems in the future?


Meselech appears to have an STI so you need to refer her to the appropriate health facility (health centre or hospital) where she can get treatment. Both Meselech and Tessema should be advised to go for HIV testing and counselling. You need to educate them on the prevention of STIs.

Meselech should also be advised to avoid taking medications without consulting a health professional.

Summary of Study Session 4