Self -Assessment Questions (SAQs) for Study Session 6

Now that you have completed this study session, you can assess how well you have achieved its Learning Outcomes by answering the questions below. Write your answers in your Study Diary and discuss them with your Tutor at the next Study Support Meeting. You can check your answers with the Notes on the Self-Assessment Questions at the end of this Module.

First read Case Study 6.1 and then answer the questions that follow it.

Case Study 6.1 Bekelu’s story

Bekelu is a 14-year-old girl. A young man in her neighbourhood has repeatedly asked her to sleep with him. She has always refused but he then beats her and forces her to have sex. He drinks a lot and fights with other community members when he gets drunk. Bekelu knows he frequently goes to the town and spends many nights there. She thinks he probably sleeps with women in the town and could have contracted HIV/AIDS. She is afraid to tell her parents because she fears they will say that it is her fault.

SAQ 6.1 (tests Learning Outcomes 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5 and 6.6)

What type(s) GBV has Bekelu experienced?


The types of gender-based violence Bekelu experienced were physical (she is usually beaten) and sexual (she is coerced into having sex with him against her will).

SAQ 6.2 (tests Learning Outcomes 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3)

What factors are contributing to the GBV in this case?


There is an unequal power relationship (Bekelu is physically weaker than him) and alcohol use. Both these factors can contribute to GBV.

SAQ 6.3 (tests Learning Outcomes 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4)

What barrier is there for Bekelu in reporting the GBV?


Barrier to reporting the GBV: fear of blame by parents.

SAQ 6.4 (tests Learning Outcome 6.5)

What risks and consequences of the GBV is Bekelu concerned about?


Bekelu is worried about STIs including HIV/AIDS

SAQ 6.5 (tests Learning Outcomes 6.6)

What will you do to help Bekelu if she tells you about her problem?


Counsel Bekelu in a non-judgemental manner; encourage her to share her problems with her family members; contact and discuss with her parents if possible; discuss with the kebele officials and women’s affairs head of the kebele.

SAQ 6.6 (tests Learning Outcomes 6.1 and 6.2)

Activity 6.1  The glossary game

Write down each of the key words printed in bold in this study session. Cut the paper into strips, with one word on each strip; fold them and put them into a bowl. Take a strip, read the word and write a definition in your Study Diary. Then check your definition with those in the study session.


Sex is the biological characteristic that defines humans as female or male.

Gender refers to socially and culturally defined roles for males and females.

Gender-based violence (GBV) is any form of deliberate physical, psychological or sexual harm or threat of harm directed against a person on the basis of their gender.

Sexual harassment is any type of unwanted sexual attention such as unpleasant sexual comments or physical gestures.

Sexual abuse is any type of unwanted sexual contact and includes all forms of sexual coercion (emotional, physical and economic) against an individual.

Rape is forced sexual intercourse that takes place against a person’s will.

Date rape is committed by a boyfriend forcing his girlfriend to have sex against her will.

Acquaintance rape is committed by someone who is known to the victim.

Sexual violence includes a wide variety of undesired physical and psychological sexual acts.

Summary of Study Session 6