8.2.9  Female and male sterilisation

While there is no medical reason to deny sterilisation, it is generally not recommended for people at the beginning of their childbearing years. This is because if they decide to have sterilisation, in the future they may be sad about their decision. Once they undergo sterilisation they can have no more children-this is why it is called irreversible contraception. However, there may be mitigating circumstances, such as HIV or the presence of some genetic diseases, which means that a young person may wish to consider sterilisation. Therefore when you encounter a young person who wants to have sterilisation, you should refer them to a higher health facility where further counselling could be provided. Sterilisation does not provide protection against STIs/HIV.

8.2.8  Lactational amenorrhea method (LAM)

8.2.10  Abstinence