4.3.4  Domestic and industrial solid waste sites

Domestic and commercial solid waste should be disposed of in a properly designed and constructed landfill site. Many landfill sites, particularly those that are older and less well designed and managed, such as the one shown in Figure 4.9, generate leachate, which is highly polluting. (Leachate is any liquid that has passed through matter and picked up dissolved substances and/or suspended solids as it passed through.) Leachate can contain dissolved organic matter and many different types of inorganic components depending on the type of waste. Where industrial waste has been dumped, a toxic chemical stream may also be produced. These leachates should be collected and treated so that pollution of groundwater and rivers does not arise.

Figure 4.9  The landfill site at Repi, Addis Ababa.

4.3.3  Agriculture and animal rearing

4.3.5  Urban surface water run-off