Study Session 10  Household Water Collection, Treatment, Storage and Handling


Water utilities are responsible for putting fully treated water into the distribution system, but it can become contaminated after it has left the treatment works if not handled with care. The contamination can originate from several different sources, but it is obviously important to eliminate any introduction of faecal material for health reasons. Research in Sodo woreda, Guraghe Zone, in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples’ Region (SNNPR) showed that 61% of the water in households was faecally contaminated and for five woredas in Amhara Region the figure was 74% (Kinfegabriel, 2015). These findings demonstrate that safe water collection, treatment and handling at household level are key considerations for potable water availability in the home.

This study session will discuss safe water collection methods and the ways in which water can be treated at household level. It also presents the basic principles of safe water storage and handling in the home.

Learning Outcomes for Study Session 10