Self-Assessment Questions (SAQs) for Study Session 7

Now that you have completed this study session, you can assess how well you have achieved its Learning Outcomes by answering these questions.

SAQ 7.1 (tests Learning Outcome 7.1)

Match the following words to their correct definitions.

Using the following two lists, match each numbered item with the correct letter.

  1. leakage

  2. noise correlator

  3. active leakage control

  4. corrosion

  5. back-siphonage

  6. proactive leakage control

  7. ground penetrating radar

  8. non-revenue water

  9. acoustic logger

  • a.the drawing of external water into a water main as a result of a reduction in pressure in the water main

  • b.a device that is used at two points to pinpoint leaks through the sound that is generated by water escaping

  • c.the process whereby a metal gets weaker due to a reaction with its environment

  • d.water from which no income is received

  • e.searching for leaks and repairing them

  • f.taking action to prevent leaks from occurring

  • g.a device used to detect leaks by identifying where the ground has cavities, or has been disturbed

  • h.the escape of water from pipes or other parts of the water distribution system

  • i.a device attached to a pipe that can indicate a leak when the noise in the pipe changes

The correct answers are:
  • 1 = h
  • 2 = b
  • 3 = e
  • 4 = c
  • 5 = a
  • 6 = f
  • 7 = g
  • 8 = d
  • 9 = i

SAQ 7.2 (tests Learning Outcome 7.2)

List the ways by which municipal water reaches consumers in urban areas of Ethiopia served by a distribution system.


Water reaches the consumers through indoor taps, taps in the yard, public taps and water kiosks.

SAQ 7.3 (tests Learning Outcome 7.3)

Which of the following is not a cause of leakage? Give your reason why.

  • a.excessive pressure in the pipes
  • b.poorly-constructed distribution systems
  • c.illegal connections
  • d.old, corroded pipes
  • e.pipes damaged due to construction of roads, etc.


The answer is c. An illegal connection is loss of water through theft, and not through leakage.

SAQ 7.4 (tests Learning Outcome 7.4)

Which of the following statements relating to illegal connections is false? Give the reason for your choice.

Illegal connections result in:

  • A.the possibility of the mains supply becoming contaminated
  • increase in the quantity of non-revenue water
  • C.greater revenue for the water utility because more water is used
  • D.a crime, since water is being stolen
  • increase in the financial burden to those people who do pay for water used.


The answer is C, because the people who use water from illegal connections don’t pay for the water.

Summary of Study Session 7