9.4.2  Physical parameters

Do you experience a taste while drinking potable water? Water in its natural state is tasteless, odourless and colourless. Although changes in these parameters may have no direct health effects, a slight change will result in consumer dissatisfaction. Important physical characteristics of drinking water quality are listed in Table 9.2.

Table 9.2  Physical parameters of drinking water.
ParameterMaximum permissible levelAdverse effect
Colour15 platinum-cobalt units (PCU)*Unpleasing appearance
OdourNot objectionableUnappealing to drink
TasteNot objectionableUnappealing to drink

High pH imparts taste and soapy feel, low pH causes corrosion.

For effective disinfection pH is preferably

Turbidity5 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU)**Visibly cloudy

*  In platinum-cobalt units the colour is measured by visual comparison of the sample with platinum-cobalt standards. One unit of colour is that produced by 1 mg of platinum per litre of solution (1 mg/l or 1 mg l–1), in the form of the chloroplatinate ion.

**The nephelometric turbidity unit is a measure of the turbidity of the water.

9.4.1  Microbial parameters

9.4.3  Chemical parameters