9.4.3  Chemical parameters

Natural water has different elements and compounds in it due to the ability of water to dissolve many substances. Unlike microbial contaminants, most chemical constituents in drinking water only cause adverse health effects after a prolonged period of exposure. A huge concern is if a massive accidental discharge of chemicals occurs in the drinking water system. Experience has shown, however, that in many such incidents, the water will exhibit changes in appearance, taste and odour that prompt consumers to cease using it. For example, if the residual chlorine level exceeds a certain level, consumers notice the taste and immediately reject the water. Ethiopian chemical quality standards for the usual parameters in drinking water are presented in Table 9.3. So, taking aluminium for example, its quantity in 1 litre of water must not exceed 0.2 mg. There are other components that also have limits, such as pesticides, but these will only be analysed for if a case of contamination by these types of substances is suspected.

Table 9.3  Chemical quality standards of drinking water. (ESA, 2013)
SubstanceMaximum permissible level (mg l–1)Health and other risks associated with high intake
Aluminium0.2Deposition of aluminium hydroxide flocs in water pipes and exacerbation of discoloration of water by iron
Ammonia1.5Objectionable (pungent) odour
Arsenic0.01High incidence of skin and possibly other cancers
Barium 0.7
Cadmium0.003The kidney is the main target organ of toxicity
Calcium 75
Chloride250Undesirable (salty) taste
Chromium0.05Carcinogenicity suspected of chromium (VI) compounds
Copper2Acute toxicity is high; effects on thyroid and particularly the nervous system if long-term exposure occurs
Cyanide0.07Effects on thyroid and particularly the nervous system if long-term exposure occurs
Fluoride 1.5At low concentration, prevents dental caries; at high (7 mg l–1) concentration, increased risk of dental fluorosis; much higher concentration leads to skeletal fluorosis.
Iron0.3Causes reddish-brown colour, promotes iron-bacteria growth and stains laundry and plumbing fixtures
Lead0.01Toxic to both the central and peripheral nervous systems, causing neurological effects
Magnesium 50
Manganese0.5Neurotoxicity and other toxic effects
Mercury (total)0.001The kidney is the main target for inorganic mercury, whereas methyl-mercury mainly affects the central nervous system
Nitrate (as NO3)50Causes methaemoglobinaemia in infants and suspected risk of certain forms of cancer
Nitrite (as NO2)3Causes methaemoglobinaemia in infants and suspected risk of certain forms of cancer
Potassium 1.5
Residual chlorine0.5
Sodium200Undesirable taste
Sulphate250Causes noticeable taste and corrosion of pipes
Total hardness300
Total dissolved solids1000Undesirable taste
Zinc5Imparts astringent taste and opalescence; develops a greasy film on boiling

9.4.2  Physical parameters

Summary of Study Session 9