Summary of Study Session 2
In Study Session 2, you have learned that:
- Many health problems are associated with poor sanitation and waste management, principally caused by contact with human faeces.
- The main types of infectious agent responsible for communicable diseases are bacteria, viruses, protozoa and parasitic worms.
- The F diagram shows how infectious agents from faeces can be ingested by someone who then becomes infected.
- Poor sanitation and waste management create conditions that may encourage flies and other disease vectors.
- Good hygiene behaviour, especially handwashing with soap at critical times, can significantly reduce health risks.
- Diseases associated with poor sanitation affect children’s physical development and school attendance. Poor sanitation facilities in schools also affect attendance, especially for girls.
- Healthy people are more productive, which brings economic benefits to them and to the wider community.
- In industry, minimising the amount of waste can reduce costs throughout the manufacturing process.
- Environmental impacts of poor sanitation and waste management at a local level include pollution of land and watercourses, the visual impact of litter, and bad odours. At a global level, applying the 3 Rs to solid waste management can reduce energy use which will reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
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2.6 Impacts on the environment