9.4.1 Types of transfer station
The simplest transfer stations consist of an area of hardstanding where skips are situated. The contents of primary collection carts are transferred to the containers manually (Figure 9.4).
In more complex transfer stations, the collection carts tip their waste onto a concrete floor and a mechanical loading shovel is used to transfer the waste to the skips (Figure 9.5). This allows the use of larger containers, so this type of station is more economical where distances to the waste disposal site are greater.
Looking at Figure 9.5, what are the measures being taken to protect the health and safety of workers and the general public?
The site is enclosed with walls, so only authorised people can gain entry to areas where machinery is being operated. Enclosure also keeps out scavenging animals and reduces wind-blown littering.
The site has a roof, so the rain is kept out and the waste cannot pollute surface run-off. The roof also reduces wind-blown litter.
Loading using a machine rather than people doing this work with shovels reduces human contact with the waste, which in turn lessens the risk of injury from sharp items (broken glass, metal edges) and the transmission of infections. (In areas with poor sanitation, the waste will contain human faeces.)
9.4 Transfer stations