Summary of Study Session 9

In Study Session 9, you have learned that:

  1. Waste collection means collecting waste from where it is generated. Before collection, the waste should be stored in appropriate containers with lids.
  2. Primary collection takes waste from where it is produced to a transfer station. Secondary collection is the stage when it is moved from the transfer station to the final treatment or disposal site.
  3. Many different containers and vehicles are used for waste collection and transfer. They are appropriate in different situations, depending mostly on size and cost.
  4. Transfer stations should ideally have fences and roofs. Waste should be removed frequently to prevent unsightly and unhygienic conditions developing.
  5. The routes for collection vehicles should be carefully planned so they are efficient and cover the shortest distances.
  6. Private sector involvement in waste collection can increase efficiency. However, all systems need effective planning, management and operation if they are to provide a successful waste collection service and be financially viable.

9.6.1  Examples of waste management PPP schemes

Self-Assessment Questions (SAQs) for Study Session 9