3 Receiving feedback

You will receive feedback from a peer or colleague on your response to Activity 3.3. It is easy to become defensive about feedback, especially if you feel that it is not very positive. The main purpose of feedback is to help you to improve your work. There will be another chance to give and receive feedback in Week 5.

Activity 3.4: Receiving feedback

Timing: Allow approximately 30 minutes

Reflect on the feedback that you received on your task. How did this make you feel? Was it helpful? What was not helpful? How effectively did the feedback make you think about active approaches to teaching?

What feedback would you give to yourself? What would you do differently?

[Reading matter icon] In your study notebook, summarise what you learnt from this experience and how you will approach giving feedback in the future.

Optional activity: Carrying out your activity

Timing: Approximately 1 hour

If possible, try the activity that you described in Activity 3.3 with teachers. Make sure that you take note of the feedback that you receive.

Evaluate the experience with the following prompts:

  • How did the teachers respond to the video?
  • What did they notice?
  • Were ideas discussed that they could take into their own teaching?
  • What have you learnt from the episode?

4 Reviewing your learning