1 How this course works

This is a six-week MOOC and we suggest you spend around four to six hours on the MOOC each week. Each week there are activities, readings, quizzes and reflection points, as well as prompts to engage in discussions with peers or colleagues. These discussions are an important part of the MOOC and we encourage you to share experiences and ideas with others whenever possible. You may find it useful to encourage colleagues or peers to study the MOOC alongside you.

For details about what is happening week by week, please download and print the ‘MOOC overview and study planner [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] ’. You can tick off each activity as you complete it.

You are asked to keep a study notebook (learning journal) for this MOOC. This will be personal to you, although you can share with colleagues if you wish. It can be in printed form or on a mobile device.

At various points in the course you will be prompted by the study notebook icon () to record your thoughts in your notebook. For more information on the study notebook, read the document ‘Your study notebook’.

If you want to return to the course homepage at any point during your study, you can do this by simply clicking on the course title in the banner at the top of the web page.

We’re always delighted to hear from our learners. We are particularly keen to hear about how this MOOC has changed your practice, or that of those you work with, support or teach. If you have any feedback or suggestions you would like to share, please email TESS-India@open.ac.uk.

2 Portfolio of participation