Data Types in C
Variables- Variable is an identifier used to store values in it. For example – a,b,c, etc. A variable is nothing but a name given to a storage area that our programs can manipulate. Each variable in C has a specific type, which determines-
- the size and layout of the variable's memory;
- the range of values that can be stored within that memory;
- and the set of operations that can be applied to the variable.
Data Types- Each variable that we declare in a C program must have a data type. Data type tells-
- Size of space occupied by that variable.
- Type of value that can be stored in that variable.
- Range of value that can be stored in that variable.
- Format specifier (how C will recognize the data type of variable)
In C, there are 3 categories of data types-
- Integer types
- Floating point types
- Character Types
Integer types-
(i) int or signed int or short
Space- 2 bytes
Type of value- Integer type
Range- -32768 to +32767
Format specifier- %d
(ii) unsigned int or unsigned short
Space- 2 bytes
Type of value- Integer type
Range- 0 to +65535
Format specifier- %ud
(iii) long or long int or signed long int
Space- 4 bytes
Type of value- Integer type
Range- -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647
Format specifier- %ld
(iv) unsigned long or unsigned long int
Space- 4 bytes
Type of value- Integer type
Range- 0 to + 4,294,967,295
Format specifier- %lu
Floating Point types-
(i) float
Space- 4 bytes
Type of value- Real type
Range- -3.4E-38 to +3.4E+38
Format specifier- %f
(ii) double
Space- 8 bytes
Type of value- Real type
Range- -1.7E-308 to +1.7E+308
Format specifier- %lf
(iii) long double
Space- 10 bytes
Type of value- Real type
Range- -3.4E-4932 to +1.1E+4932
Format specifier- %Lf
Character types-
(i) char or signed char
Space- 1 byte
Type of value- Character type
Range- -128 to +127
Format specifier- %c
(ii) unsigned char
Space- 1 byte
Type of value- Character type
Range- 0 to +255
Format specifier- %c