Fun Exercise: Can you identify the pattern?


This fun activity is optional and is not fully accessible to some learners




Free leaf Image showing a pattern in its veins.


A snail image showing spiral lines on its shell going smaller towards the centre.


A sunflower showing a pattern in seed distribution gives a presentation of intersecting curves.

Check whether your answers for the pattern noticed match the following: 
A. each number is a result of adding two.
B. each number is a result of
the order of the number squared.
C. each number is a result of multiplying its order by five.
D. t
he leaf shows a fractal pattern in its veins.
E. the shell show spiral lines on its shell going smaller towards the centre.
F.  the sunflower showing a pattern in seed distribution gives a presentation of intersecting curves.

Last modified: Thursday, July 21, 2022, 2:15 PM