Lecture 2: Infrastructure to deliver on the Paris Agreement

The Paris Agreement aims to contain global warming to at most 2o C above pre-industrial levels by 2050. As part of the Agreement, signatories have committed to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions through mitigation actions. The infrastructure system consists the most carbon intensive sectors. Advancing low carbon technology within the infrastructure system therefore has immense potential to mitigate climate change. Lecture 2 explores how infrastructure systems can be redesigned to meet countries’ Paris Agreement targets through their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

Lecture 2 was written by Sapphire Vital, Oxford University.

The Paris Agreement aims to contain global warming to at most 2o C above pre-industrial levels by 2050. As part of the Agreement, signatories have committed to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions through mitigation actions. The infrastructure system consists the most carbon intensive sectors. Advancing low carbon technology within the infrastructure system therefore has immense potential to mitigate climate change. Lecture 2 explores how infrastructure systems can be redesigned to meet countries’ Paris Agreement targets through their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

Lecture 2 was written by Sapphire Vital, Oxford University.

Number of attempts allowed: Unlimited
Number of attempts you have made: 1
Grade for attempt 1: 0%
Grading method: Highest attempt
Grade reported: 0%