Lecture 18: Methods for integrating NbS in planning, implementation and governance

Lecture 18 focuses on methods and approaches to designing, implementing and governing nature-based solutions (NbS) in order to maximise potential benefits and ensure long-term project success. This includes decision-making approaches, data requirements, which stakeholders should be engaged, and the need for an adaptive management approach. This lecture provides a background to how NbS can be quantified and valued alongside engineered infrastructure solutions in the decision-making process. The importance of taking a landscape approach is highlighted, as well as the need for understanding the local context. This lecture also considers the issue of timescale when working with NbS.

Lecture 18 was written by Robyn Haggis and Yu Mo, Oxford University.

Lecture 18 focuses on methods and approaches to designing, implementing and governing nature-based solutions (NbS) in order to maximise potential benefits and ensure long-term project success. This includes decision-making approaches, data requirements, which stakeholders should be engaged, and the need for an adaptive management approach. This lecture provides a background to how NbS can be quantified and valued alongside engineered infrastructure solutions in the decision-making process. The importance of taking a landscape approach is highlighted, as well as the need for understanding the local context. This lecture also considers the issue of timescale when working with NbS.

Lecture 18 was written by Robyn Haggis and Yu Mo, Oxford University.

Number of attempts allowed: Unlimited
Number of attempts you have made: 1
Grade for attempt 1: 0%
Grading method: Highest attempt
Grade reported: 0%