Lecture 4: Future infrastructure demand

This lecture block introduces important concepts for infrastructure demand estimation, including main drivers and important scenario analysis methods, such as the Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSPs). This lecture block discusses specific drivers and considerations for the process of demand forecasting and exemplifies the learning outcomes through practical applications in developing country contexts.

Lecture 4 was written by Orlando Roman, Oxford University.

This lecture block introduces important concepts for infrastructure demand estimation, including main drivers and important scenario analysis methods, such as the Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSPs). This lecture block discusses specific drivers and considerations for the process of demand forecasting and exemplifies the learning outcomes through practical applications in developing country contexts.

Lecture 4 was written by Orlando Roman, Oxford University.

Number of attempts allowed: Unlimited
Number of attempts you have made: 1
Grade for attempt 1: 0%
Grading method: Highest attempt
Grade reported: 0%