13.2 Magnetic storage
As I mentioned earlier, your computer has a hard disk which provides a permanent storage area for your computer's programs and the files you create. When you save files to your computer's hard disk, you are using a magnetic storage medium. Data stored in magnetic form can be changed once it has been stored, so if you run out of space you can delete some files to make room or, if you want to edit a file, you can make the necessary changes and then save it again. At the time of writing, a medium-priced computer has a storage capacity of up to 100 GB. A floppy disk can store about 1.44 MB, but this type of storage has largely been replaced by new storage media with larger capacities. A zip disk is a high capacity form of magnetic storage which is portable. Zip disks are available in capacities of 100 MB, 240 MB and 750 MB.